Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hinduism Kundalini Spirit - False Teachers

If you have not watched the videos on my post  "Are You Entertaining Demons And Thinking They Are God?" which was posted on 12-08-12, you need to do so. The one below is also very important. Every believer should be made aware of this spirit which is invading the world wide churches. Educate yourself and stay alert!

I have personally spent time with people who I now believe are impacted one way or another by a kundalini spirit. They did not shake violently, but they would swoon, dropping their head and body to one side. They would moan as they stood or walked. One man I knew would yell out a moan as he entered the room. He had a pitiful look on his face when he joined the table. Under the surface I saw fear in them. They are intolerant of truthfully negative statements. I loved them, but I was not of them. The Lord protected me during those times. I warned and witnessed to many.

I saw total loss of motor skills at the Mobile Alabama "revival". I was part of a church group and as the pastor respected me, he had me sit with the pastors. When the pastors went up for prayer, they laid hands on people who were 'slain in the spirit". I was not afraid, but with eyes closed and my hands lifted to heaven, I prayed to my Father to protect me and I worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of being of being "slain in the spirit" I felt two hands coming down from above. They held my forearms as if to say "you will not fall". I felt no weakness. I wept, as I thought back on this.

This video is a must see!!! It is about the emerging church. Many people are being deceived because they are looking for a future deception/falling away. I believe the Lord showed me clearly that I did not know how far we are into the falling away and for all I knew we could be near the end. Deception is here! You need to understand the dangers. I believe the kundalini spirit it is already deceiving the very chosen and if it is possible, they will be deceived. This evil spirit is invading the churches with doctrines of demons. You need to know about this and warn others. If you are born of God, you must warn. If you think you too cannot be deceived, you may already be deceived. Humble yourself before God.

You can skip the first 7 minutes which is just talk.

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