Sunday, December 30, 2012

Part 1. Sodom And Gomorrah. & America's Future.

Jacob Prasch gives an eyeopening message that every believer should listen to. This is not just about Sodom and Gomorrah. Jacob shows clearly what is coming on our nation, if not the whole world, and what we can expect for ourselves and our offspring. You will profit much from this video.

If you are a Christian, you are a watchman. Please fulfill your role and warn those you love. Multitudes are caught up in the cares of this world. One of the cares is simply financial survival which is not necessarily sinful. They need a loving watchful eye, our love and compassion. True Love Warns.

God told the watchmen that if they saw the enemy coming which represents all types of evil, and did not warn the people, the watchman would be held responsible for their blood. Do we condemn those who support abortion and then not fulfill our role as watchmen and warn those who are perishing or falling away from faith? Multitudes do not see what is coming or what is happening. The mature believer should be ministering.

Please continue to let me know if something is a blessing to you. Just as important, please let me know if you disagree with something I wrote or if you see mistakes in my writing. "I'm a little child and my Father made the universe". I need your feedback and will respond.

Please share anything on my blog site that you feel led to do. 

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