Saturday, February 2, 2013

Is It Possible To Be A Berean Today?

Acts 17   ISV

10That night the brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the Jewish synagogue. 11These people were more receptive than those in Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive the message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if those things were so. 12Many of them believed, including a large number of prominent Greek women and men.

Is it possible to be a Berean today and test the words of the teachers? I was showing a brother Joel Osteen's video (see 12-31-12) and a transcript of a short message Charles Stanley gave (see 01-17-13) . First I had him watch and listen to Joel Osteen's video, then read Charles Stanley's message which I had transcribed. Both men's words appeared OK as they were listened to and read. 

When we then went over them slowly however, we were both shaken to realize how horrible both messages were. I was troubled again even though I had examined and written down the words of both men! Who is going to take the time to transcribe the messages of the countless preachers so we can go over them slowly and determine if they are true or false? No one. Therefore, it is next to impossible to truly judge what the teachers are saying. The multitude of their words come to fast to analyze  Both Joel Osteen and Charles Stanley's messages had false statements that are seriously unscriptural and can impact your mind

Why do we go to preachers for our doctrines when we have the Bible, God's Word? We are told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We are not told to submit to kings who rule the churches and give us sermons, most of which are their own words. I know there are Godly teachers out there, but even they rarely submit to the men in the church who are equally important. The early church met in each other's houses daily and not a church building. 

The body of Christ is made up of individual believers and each has their own gift(s) for the benefit of the body. The body of Christ has been ignored and individual kings are placed over the body. Is it any wonder we are in such a mess? God did not want his people to have a king in the Old Testament and I find it hard to believe he wants them to now.  

Brothers and sisters, we are in a dark time and it is getting darker. We cannot even believe our eyes and ears as technology exists to fool them. I have been told so and have no doubt our government has the ability to create holograms that would make it look like the second coming. They are 50+ years ahead of the technology we see. The scriptures tell of a deception so great that even the chosen of God will be deceived, if possible. 

It is time to trust no man, get into our bibles and learn what they say. Read your New Testaments until you know what God said, not man. We are called to shine brightly in this day! I believe those who know God will see wonderful victories in the future.

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