Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Fallen Angels Who Came Down And Married Human Women

We cannot understand much of the scriptures and what is going on in the world today, if we do not understand what the fallen Sons of God (angels) did, have done, and are currently doing.

The ancient Book of Enoch appears to have been protected for those who "will be alive in the tribulation" and adds much to our understanding. JR Church did a wonderful examination of the Book of Enoch. It was on YouTube, but after J R died, sadly it was taken down, apparently so you have to purchase the cd's. You will find them at The cd's are worth the price!!

The wicked one is giving knowledge to humans who he has made wealthy beyond belief. Satan's goal is to pollute our DNA and that of plants and animals, just as the Book of Enoch says was happening in Enoch's day. As I speak, our food is being genetically altered and will make us sick. Man thinks he can improve what the Creator called perfect/good. This is why all living things had to be destroyed and only Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives were saved.

For around 30 years I have personally believed that Satan will use technology and his fallen angels and demons to deceive the world into thinking visitors came from a distant planet or some other lie. This could be what causes a great falling away. The falling away could happen overnight as people do not know their bible and having no root, multitudes could believe the lies. As a matter of fact, the delusion is permitted because people want to believe a lie rather than the truth.

This is a very, very good video about this subject.

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