Saturday, July 19, 2014

DNA Evidence Proves Nephilim.

Brothers and sisters, why in the world would I post this???

The deception and persecution that is now here will exponentially continue to increase. Many believers do not know in Genisis 6, we are told the fallen angels intermarried with human women.  This abomination resulted in God sending the great world wide flood, as "ALL flesh had become corrupt", both human and animal. When the offspring of the fallen angels died, they became the demon spirits who do Satan's bidding. They "roam about in dry places", looking for a body to inhabit.

We are told that after the flood, more mischief occurred. In our day it appears clearly Satan is using DNA technology to create bodies for the demons and only God knows what other creatures are being created. For decades our government has been aggressively searching for the ancient tombs and the technology found in the tombs.

One third of God's angels rebelled with Satan. They are fallen and evil and will one day be cast into hell. God's holy angels do the bidding of God. There are constant wars in the heavens between good and evil. Jesus warned us not to be deceived. For a period of time, the man of sin, the anti-Christ, will deceive multitudes with his lying signs and wonders. Jesus will return and lock up Satan and his angels for a thousand years.

Please read Jesus' letter to the 7 churches. Which church describes you??? Jesus tells us it will be exactly like the days of Noah when he returns. We are in that period. Along with many others, I myself am not afraid of ridicule concerning the fallen angels. I preach the gospel message that Jesus gave and do not want people to be deceived, This is totally clear in my blogs.

Be aware, but do not consume yourself with all these things, as they must come to pass. Stay in the New Testament until you know it. Do not trust a teacher. There is a war for your soul. Did you know that reading 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening will have you finish the New Testament in one month?  You need to prepare spiritually for the future. If you have turned from your sins to Jesus and are obeying Him, He will guide you.

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