As I have sought the Lord I believe he has heightened my awareness of a very critical problem. The churches in the West who have had the Gospel, have for the most part abandoned the warnings and are tickling people's ears. To tickle someone's ears is not necessarily an evil thing. Most believers and church goers seem oblivious to the fact that the "tickling of ears" by teachers can simply be the teachers choosing pleasant teachings and no warnings. They are failing to be watchmen and have blood on their hands.
Over the next few weeks I plan to periodically shine the light on some of the wolves in sheep's clothing who do not just simply tickle ears, but also bring in damnable heresy to the churches. We are in the period of time the scriptures warned us would come in the last days. We must be on guard for false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing. We must study the scriptures and seek out the warnings and their hidden treasures.
Keith Green
Oh Lord You're Beautiful
Did you notice that the Church changed the words to this song and even left out whole verses? I never heard this version of this song the way Keith sang it. What a powerful song! Thanks for sharing.