Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jacob Prasch - Tithing Part 1

I am amazed at the number of people who have been deceived about tithing (10%). Entire generations have been deceived by the manipulation of teachers and pastors. Countless sheep have been fleeced over the many years. What is the truth about tithing? Jacob Prasch does a fantastic job exposing the the ignorance regarding tithing.

Do you know how to find the word tithe in the New Testament after the resurrection of Christ? The word "tithe" is always beside the word "zebra". Just kidding, as it is not found period. Meanwhile, ear tickling preachers are building huge entertainment buildings and getting rich. Just look at TBN (Paul Crouch), etc, etc.

We should be known as generous, but no percentage is given. Period. We will be rewarded for giving with a cheerful heart, but please do not give it to "the money preachers" who tell you if you give them money, God will give you more. That is greed and they are greedy. Ask God for wisdom as to who or what you support. This is a day of apostasy and wolves in sheep's clothing.

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