Monday, March 3, 2014

The Planned Destruction of Mankind by Those Who Rule

Just because our president and government wants to kill babies in the womb surely does not mean we cannot trust them does it? Surely the first black president we have loves the black babies in the womb, doesn't he? Surely he would protect the innocent black children and does not know that more black babies are killed than any other group. Surely he would not want black children to be aborted? Surely we can trust the government? Just because they love Islam and hate Christianity, does not mean they would harm us, does it?

Surely Bill Gates vaccine which killed and maimed children in foreign countries was not his fault, right? Surely his dad was not heavily involved with Planned Parenthood who is responsible for the murder of millions of babies, right? Our leaders love us, right?

Oh foolish generation who believe murderers can be trusted to have our best interest in mind. We are Nazi Germany. Unless Jesus the Messiah returns we will see concentration camps, but of course our leaders would not do such a thing, would they? Just ask the 60 million babies who were murdered in what is supposed to be the safest place...the womb.

Now their blood cries out to God to destroy those who killed them. If you are one who killed your baby or someone else's, unless you repent and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, you will face the Almighty whose baby you killed and/or encouraged to be killed. You will go to the lake of fire. I would also, if my sins were not covered by the blood of Jesus the Messiah and continue to follow Him in obedience.

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