Sunday, March 2, 2014

Jacob Prasch - Jesus and the Old Testament Law

This video is so wonderful! How can that be? Jacob speaks of the priceless Messiah Jesus! In our day, the norm for preachers is, false, ear tickling teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing. These men tickle ears, do not tell the truth, build large entertainment buildings and do not warn the people to turn from sin.

Take Charles Stanley, who tells a gay man that he can be a Christian and be gay, but he will lose his reward!! Andy Stanley is even worse as he has worldly Emmy music played and greats the crowd by welcoming those who are "gay and those who are straight". By not warning sinners, these men will have blood on their hands. The wealth they accumulated by tickling the people's ears may very well testify against them.

I know of no teacher who consistently warns the body of Christ, as Jacob Prasch does. I know there is a remnant of teachers who warn, but they are so few it appears there are none. Please do not trust the teachers of the day (even Prasch, and he would agree). YOU are responsible to know the New Testament. If you do not, but listen to the hired shepherds, you almost surely will be deceived. I know this from my own personal experience.

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