Monday, September 23, 2013

Unless We Repent, We Will All Perish. There Is Only One Way Of Escape.

Jesus has a message for all of us. It is not about our bodies dying. Jesus, in the following passage is talking about eternal death. If we reject the only price ever paid for sin by Jesus, we are left answering for all of our sins and receiving the punishment of hell, which will be thrown into the lake of fire and burns forever.

While there is time, please repent. Turn from your sins and follow Jesus. Do what he said and do not do what he said not to. If you do, repent quickly and continue following Jesus, He is God and the source of every good thing.

Luke 13 ISV
1At that time, some people who were there told Jesusa about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.b 2He asked them, “Do you think that these Galileans were more sinful than all the other Galileans because they suffered like this? 3Absolutely not, I tell you! But if you don’t repent, then you, too, will all die. 4What about those eighteen people who were killed when the tower at Siloam fell on them? Do you think they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Jerusalem? 5Absolutely not, I tell you! But if you don’t repent, then you, too, will all die.”

You may wonder why this video does not have sound. It appears there are some things Google does not want you to hear. I am seeing more and more discrimination against scriptures and truth. On my blogs, the analytics will show quite a number of visitors. Later on many of them are removed. I heard a major teacher tell this happens to him daily. This is likely happening to countless others. The warnings of Jesus Christ are hated. And to think he gave his life for us.

Go to the link:

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