Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Brewing Revolution And The Scriptures

Brothers and sisters, continuing through the New Testament in 1 Timothy 6.

Fear is and has always been a major tool used by the masters of the earth who rule. The Lord says we are not to fear and tells us to submit to those who are in authority over us. There is much talk about gun confiscation, revolution, concentration camps and the evil that has come upon our land. Fear is used to weaken you and make you powerless. Fear comes from the evil one, Satan. The Lord Jesus Christ defeated.  him! Some people may leave their town or America, but without God's guidance those same people may find they went to a worse place

Who is behind the stirring of revolution and rebellion? Satan himself. Through his world wide web and his children who he gives power to rule the world. He can bring about much more control and slavery using chaos. than in peaceful times. Spread the Love of God and his gospel. Do not resist the government, except for keeping the faith and obeying Christ. We are the children of God and cannot die. The children of God will see Satan thrown into a lake of fire with all of his angels and his children.

Satan's system which is known as the Illuminati, is a world wide web. All we see are individual small sections of his system. You cannot figure him out. Who can resist the beast? No natural man. Our Lord is our fortress and our only hope. He defeated Satan on the cross. We can read about Satan's future in the scriptures! Jesus is Lord. One day soon, his will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the meantime he guides the steps of the righteous!! If you want to know more about the Illuminati, I have attached a very interesting video . It can be dry at times, but you will understand how only God can resist and destroy this infinitely evil world system.

So many, many things we have been taught about science, history, etc, are lies. This same Satanic web has placed its own people as leaders in many of the churches. Many teachers are truly wolves in sheep's clothing.  Meanwhile, they live in mansions telling people to send them money. If you do, you should repent. You cannot trust what you cannot verify! The bible verifies itself!! Please be a Berean. Your future may be filled with winning souls and great victories in the Lord. It may be God's plan for those who love and obey him in these dark days.

Are we about to become slaves to the new Pharoah as the sinful children of Israel did? Are we going to be taken out in a rapture? I believe we will see the abomination that makes desolate first. I do know we are not appointed to wrath and it will go well for those who fear the Lord (keep his commandments).

What does Paul say to slaves? They are to respect their masters.

1 Timothy 6  ISV
  • 1All who are under the yoke of slavery should regard their own masters as deserving of the highest respect,a so that the name of God and our teaching may not be discredited.b 
  • 2Moreover, those who have believing masters should be respectful to them, because they are fellow believers.c In fact, they must serve them even better, because those who benefit from their service are believers and dear to them. 
  • These are the things you must teach and exhort.
This video is over 2 hours long, but will explain a lot about how the Illuminati system works and how evil it is. You will never look the same at those who commit horrible killings again. Those in power may have programmed their brains. The recent shootings are likely the result of use of this technology and were done to help confiscate the guns. How critical it is in these days to be seeking the Lord and living a holy life! You may want to take a few days and watch parts of this video each day. The video is several years old. I do not think we can imagine just how evil of some of those who are in powerful positions truly are. Many worship Satan and practice satanic sacrifices.     

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