What happened to you James? Now you are accumulating the blood on your hands of those you lead into harlotry and idolatry! You have thrown away your garment and are naked. You are telling believers and non believers that Mary is the mediator for man and the Pope is in the place of God here on earth as he claims to be "The Vicar of Christ", while he is Antichrist. The Vicar of Christ is the Holy Spirit!! You have left the God of the bible and fellowship with this pagan Pope. You laugh with him as he gloats in his heart over your fall. You have joined with the enemy of God. You indeed have lost your mind. Who bewitched you?

James and Betty Robison, along with false teacher Kenneth Copeland, led the group to Rome. Others which were at the meeting in Rome were Geoff Tunnicliff, Brian Stiller, and John Arnott. I reported recently that Rick Wiles endorsed this this also.
For those of you who know about the Roman Catholic Church, you know that she is the Harlot Church and has never been Christian and is filled with abominations. Just look at the picture of James Robison laughing with this pagan Pope. These men are drunk on the "love" of Rome. You can see it in their faces. They are not preaching the true gospel. They are falling away as prophesied.
We are seeing the Apostasy of the last days which "If it were possible, the very elect will be deceived"..
I am sick. I have seen it coming for several years, but it breaks my heart to see James Robison joining with the Harlot Church. Judgement begins in the house of God. How can Christianity join with Pagan Rome and all their abominations? They cannot. They all will be harlots.
Critical Videos
James Robison, are you really that blind? Can you watch this video and join with a Pagan Pope and the Roman Catholic so called church? You have turned away from the truth and gone to Babylon.
This is truly heart breaking!
ReplyDeleteThe video link isn't showing up in message. I would .like to view .
I love you my brother and friend!
It is unbelievable! What kind of darkness can blind a man about Roman Catholicism when it is so filled with abominations? Try the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68w73iLit-o#t=49
DeleteI love you and pray for you and your family. I know you do the same for me!
Grieving yes, surprising no.
ReplyDeleteFor a long time James Robison has been merging with the universalists. He has had "Catholic priests" on his show in which he stated that when he sees him, he sees Jesus.
Catholicism is another gospel, another spirit and promotes another Jesus. All of this is in violation of Galatians.
Test, test test. Be ware of men. Prove, examine, discern. Do not believe every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God.
Sadly, too many professing Christians have not developed their spiritual senses. Can you imagine the health of a person who only laid on a couch night and day?
If so, they you can understand the state of those who never discern, test, judge and weigh through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Another key thing here is the importance of self-denial through the cross of Christ which follows the example of the Master Himself in John 5:30.
Jesus completely relied upon the Father. Because He did not seek His own will, His judgment was genuine and sound. When we are self-willed then our judgment and perception is flawed.
Oh, Lord, perfect that which concerns your people. May the people of the Lord have sight and not blindness. May we have strength and strong spiritual senses in Christ and not impotence and atrophy.
Trevor Davis
p.s. James Robison mentioned in this article 2012 point 9
Grieving yes, surprising no.
ReplyDeleteFor a long time James Robison has been merging with the universalists. He has had "Catholic priests" on his show in which he stated that when he sees him, he sees Jesus.
Catholicism is another gospel, another spirit and promotes another Jesus. All of this is in violation of Galatians.
Test, test test. Be ware of men. Prove, examine, discern. Do not believe every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God.
Sadly, too many professing Christians have not developed their spiritual senses. Can you imagine the health of a person who only laid on a couch night and day?
If so, then you can understand the state of those who never discern, test, judge and weigh through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Another key thing here is the importance of self-denial through the cross of Christ which follows the example of the Master Himself in John 5:30.
Jesus completely relied upon the Father. Because He did not seek His own will, His judgment was genuine and sound. When we are self-willed then our judgment and perception is flawed.
Oh, Lord, perfect that which concerns your people. May the people of the Lord have sight and not blindness. May we have strength and strong spiritual senses in Christ and not impotence and atrophy.
Trevor Davis
james robison wrote about in article 2012 point 9.
Thank you Warren McGrew.
ReplyDeleteThe second copy eliminated two typos.
Recently Rick Wiles wrote and "exclusive" report about this topic of the "evangelicals" meeting with the pope.
He spoke of "prominent" "ministers". Both wrong words.
I wrote to a friend Cody this morning the following:
2. This morning as I was waking, I was seeing the Caribbean and recalling flying over parts of the islands.
I then was seeing in my spirit as if I was to speak and what I was to say.
I realize that as I have been sharing that if one speaks in the Name of the LORD, then it is His Word. His Word is convicting, true, powerful, living, sharper than a two-edged sword, cuts and divides and discerns and more.
The words of man will make people feel comfy, accepted and in a false sense of appeasement.
What the Lord has to say is unsettling because He says the people are not generally prepared for His coming yet alone for what the devil has coming.
The agenda of the dragon is underway. I was seeing John the baptist outside the religious system, in the wilderness, a voice crying what God was saying. His actions were immersing people into repentance. Calling people to fear the Lord and get ready for His arrival.
I was seeing that what I believe the Lord would have me say could have me put out to sea. I see why they did that to Paul too.
I was reading about the treasure in scripture. The fear of the Lord is our treasure it said in one text. Yes, to fear the Lord has great value and blessing in every aspect of our life.
3. I was thinking about Rick Wiles and his continual desire for "safe haven". This is how we first went down to the islands because he was thinking about this and studying books on the subject. I had the aspect of islands in me due to a dream on March 11th 2005. The Lord showed me a map of twin islands that started with the letters "A". I heard or saw, "START HERE".
Well, this morning I am thinking there is no real such thing as "safe haven" in the earth. Jesus made this clear. The thief comes to steal, they break in and fill-up their trucks and drive away. Then there is the rust that cankers the riches of this world. The vanity of striving for these things, storing them up, and then the sudden reality of death comes and then, "whose will those things be which you have provided?" Luke 12:20.
How funny, people strive and stress for natural things that the Lord is saying they just provided those things for someone else; like, who knows who? What a joke.
Back to this thought about an earthly "safe haven".
First of all, we know that Jesus said there is no such thing. Well, that should say it all.
Secondly, I realized this morning that it is really a myth. That, they want you to think it is a safe haven practice to put your goods in these 'safe vaults', but at anytime they deem so they will back up the truck and cart away. As long as it serves their agenda they will let people pack away in their safe haven. Cross them, then they cut you off.
Yes, there are wise places to handle our stewardship of the things God puts in our management. That is another thing.
4. I was watching a video on the History of the Illuminati and there are several. One started good but went real bad went it denied scripture and the reality of Moses and Abraham* (woman voice commentator) I will send you link later.
What I thought was interesting was the information on the 3 nation-state-cities; District of Columbia, the Vatican and the City of London.
Each of these is considered as a city-state or nation.
So is Babylon.
Each of these has the obelisk sexual symbology too.
I believe we are Mystery Babylon. The 3 state cities could be one. Dumitru Duduman was told by an angel America will burn and the sign will be when the communists stir up an uprising in the middle of the country. I believe Dumitru, but would not stake my life on it.
DeleteThank you! As a general rule I do not watch TV. Every so often I use rabbit ears to watch an old movie or whatever. I never enjoyed James program and ceased support several years ago. I had no clue how far he had fallen. Thank you for the input! PS I approve all messages before they to my blog. Sorry for the delay.
ReplyDeleteI am convinced James Robison is a false teacher.