The Most High God‟s kingdom is one that is known by the fruits of love, faith, and peace.
The Fallen One‟s kingdom is known by hate, fear, and no peace.
Our kingdom is characterized by the “me first above all else” attitude; it is the kingdom of self-obsession!
That being said we must realize that all our thoughts are coming from one of the three sources or kingdoms. We must learn to differentiate between the three. This is why it is important to study and know what the Word says… in other words, as the commercial with the most interesting man in the world says, but with a pithy addition from my friend Bob Ulrich of Prophecy in the News: Stay thirsty my friend…. for the WORD!
All sin enters into us through our five senses. I will refer to these as gates. Through the gates of the eye, the ear, the nose, the skin, and the tongue, the information is sent to the brain, our computer, and from there we make judgments regarding how we will review the data.
Everyone has a worldview; this worldview determines the way in which we filter and process the data that comes to us from varied sources.
There are many worldviews on this planet. There are other religions and philosophies, but in my opinion the only true and correct worldview is found in the Bible. Some will scoff, but having tried many other systems or views, I have come to realize that the words that are in this book are inspired and hold the truth that have withstood the test of time for millennia.
Having said that, our goal is to weigh every thought against what is in the Scriptures, but in order to do this we have to know what is in the Scriptures. Here’s an example taken from this book. If Blossom Goodchild—a new age channeler— knew what the Scriptures say regarding what she is engaged in do you think she might reconsider her position? Please consider this, when the Fallen One tempted Yashua/Jesus, He answered by saying, It is written! He was fighting here; He had is armor on! He was using the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. This is our example and it is our offensive weapon.
Finally, there are the uncounted, unchecked thoughts that enter our minds. We are told by the Lord’s brother James that a thought enters into our minds then we think about it and then later we act on it. When David saw Bathsheba bathing, her image entered into him through the eye gate. He didn’t look away, instead he dwelt on what he had seen and because he didn’t check that information and take it captive, it eventually led to death. Bathsheba’s husband was set up by David to be killed in battle. The man was set in the front lines and then on a prearranged signal his support withdrew and he was left alone on the field of battle and killed.
This is a cogent example of how an unchecked thought leads to death. Here’s another. If a married man watches hours of porn, he is setting himself up for the destruction of his marriage. I know of case after case in which the guy is watching porn and the next step is an affair and then another affair until he is caught and in many cases the marriage, the children and everyone involved is caught up in the disaster. Lives are ruined, children damaged, jobs lost, all because of an unchecked thought life. I deliberately choose sexual sin because most men fall prey to it. It is what men struggle with so let’s not pretend that we don’t.
We must learn to take the thoughts captive. In other words the guy watching the porn has an option not to watch it. At the point of entry he must take authority over it in the name of Yashua/Jesus. This is warfare on a personal level.
As I have pointed out throughout this book, the Fallen One comes to rob, kill and destroy and he starts with a thought, a suggestion. Once we entertain that suggestion we are caught in his web and for the most part wounded and not prepared to do battle!
In order to understand how this works I’m going to suggest some war-footing strategies that I have employed and found victory in for the last thirty years. This is by no means an exhaustive study of spiritual warfare but it will get you started.
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